This morning as I was getting ready for work I went in to the living room to open the blinds. I noticed something out of place. 

There was a cloth shopping bag on the floor by the couch with a hoodie in it.  Little bit odd. My partner lives with me now so there is no need for bags of clothes… Everything else is scattered around the house. 

Unfortunately, I automatically know what this sort of thing means now. It’s not a surprise anymore. Under the hoodie was an empty 35cl bottle of rum… 

This is a blog about living with alcoholism. Specifically, it’s about what it is like to live with an alcoholic. This morning has prompted me to start talking about it, because I feel I need to. To a wider audience than my friends, and hiding behind anonymity. I feel it will help me be more open and honest.  

I in no way profess to be an expert on alcoholism as a disease. I’ve done very little research in to it. Mainly, I guess, because I’m scared about what I’ll find.  But, I do want to talk about it, because I don’t think it’s spoken about enough. 

I’m not going to tell you who we are, what we do or where we are from. However, I want to tell you our story.

I’m hoping it will help me, and maybe help you, and hopefully start some conversation about a topic that is often the subject of humour rather than a serious talking topic.

They say you can’t cure alcohism with love, but right now that’s all I have. That and a lot of hope.